Juvenile Offenders with Mental Health Disorders
Who Are They and What Do We Do With Them? (2nd Ed.)
by Dr. Lisa Boesky
Teens with mental health disorders continue to enter and remain in the juvenile justice system—providing significant challenges for those who work with them. This book is a practical, user-friendly guide for professionals who supervise, manage, teach, or treat teenagers who have been arrested, detained or incarcerated.
Learn how the following disorders specifically manifest (it is not always what you think!) among juvenile offenders:
Plus, effective management strategies to use with teens that have each of the above disorders while they are under your care.
Relevant issues related to diagnosis, screening and assessment, and treatment of juveniles with mental health disorders are covered, as are key issues related to youth of color, female offenders, sexual minority youth, head trauma, violence & mental illness, seclusion & restraint, and malingering/faking mental health symptoms. Click on this link to order Juvenile Offenders with Mental Health Disorders: Who Are They and What Do We Do With Them? (2nd Ed.) |
Reviews“Dr. Boesky’s book is a ‘must have” for every juvenile detention and correctional facility, every probation and aftercare office, and every juvenile community corrections program. It should also be in the library of every juvenile training academy…. and can also serve as a blueprint when conducting self-evaluations of existing programs.” “This new edition demonstrates Dr. Boesky’s knowledge of the subject matter combined with her energy and passion. She has worked with these kids in institutions. She gets it: these kids can be very frustrating to deal with. Yet, she provides practical advice. She knows what she’s talking about.” “Like the first edition, Boesky’s revised second edition is one of the few “must reads” for all professionals in the field. Boesky is able to clearly describe what each disorder looks like in a corrections setting and how to help. Given the current budgetary climate where training dollars are harder to access, this new edition is a cost effective and tremendous training tool for staff. The chapter “Suicide and Juvenile Offenders” is worth the entire price of the book.” “While all the chapters are invaluable, the time allotted to areas that we continually struggle with: Conduct Disorder, Suicide, Self-Injury, and ADHD are well covered and give us hope that we can maintain and service these troubled youth. The extensive coverage of treatment of juvenile offenders with mental health issues (from programming and secure care through community) is invaluable. |